Approval flow failure - error 429
Have you ever encountered a 429 error in an approval flow, where notifications weren't sent, causing the flow to hang and eventually fail? The flow triggers fine, but when it gets to the 'start an approval' step, it tries to run for about 3 minutes an then errors. No email is received by the approver, and no further steps are completed. This issue can arise for various reasons. Error Message: "429. the request failed. error code: 'cdsinstanceprovisioningincomplete'. error message: 'a microsoft dataverse database for this environment has not completed provisioning or does not yet support the requested approvals functionality. please try again later.'." Normally this error comes when you first time using the approval process in an environment, Especially we encounter when we move the solution to the other environment. When we use the approval process first time in the target environment, Microsoft automatically install the required solutions. this...