How to keep flows remain on if the flows don't run for 90 days

This is a common requirement in power plat form world, flows turn off after 90 days if they don't run. We can address this issue by writing a scheduled flow and run every day. 

I will explain how to write this flow. 

Start with by selecting a schedule flow.

Select Power automate management connecter- List flows as admin(V2)

Once you select it will ask you to create a connection then Select your target Environment

Next we need to filter the flows which we want to turn it on, Here I am using a unique display name which you have common for all the flows you want to check. In my case I am using "-Production-" to filter down the flows. 

Select the value from the list flows

Select edit in advance mode and enter the below expression

@and(equals(item()?['properties/state'], 'Stopped'),contains(item()?['properties/displayname'],'-Production-'))

In the next action, select apply on each , Select the output value from the filter array, Select the same Power automate management connecter - Turn on flow. 

Select the Target Environment and put the flow name Custom value- select flow name from filter array.

Now all done, Run the flow and test it

Thank you for visiting this blog 🙏. 


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