Share point Integration vs One drive Integration in D365 CRM

In Dynamics 365 for Sales, document management can be enhanced by integrating with Microsoft 365 (Office 365) options such as OneDrive for Business and SharePoint. This article will explore the differences between these two options and demonstrate how they can be effectively integrated into Dynamics 365 for Sales.

SharePoint Integration:

SharePoint is a collaborative storage tool across your organization and allows you to Capture and share knowledge, publishing content to the entire organization.

Manage who has viewing and editing rights. Use as an organization intranet.

Share externally so outside collaborators can more easily contribute.

Now lets look at the SharePoint integration step by step

Go to advance settings>Document management>Enable server-Based SharePoint Integration 

Now follow the setup wizard and enter the SharePoint site URL as required

If the site URL is valid, we will get the successful message. 
Now go back D365 system >Advance settings>Document Management> Document Management Settings, where you can select the entities. 

Once you click and select submit, If all went through fine, we will see a success message as below. 

Now lets save the record in Dynamics system which we can see in SharePoint.
See the record in SharePoint as below. 

OneDrive Integration:

OneDrive is a private storage location of your work files and allows you to  Create, view, edit files on any device.

Store and organize individual documents, such as saving unfinished drafts, and then share with team members.

Sync files to the computer and work offline. It will automatically sync once you join the cloud again.

Invite someone to upload a file without allowing them to see the other documents from the folder or to block someone from downloading documents that you share with them.

A folder created in Dynamics 365 for Sales configuration will store your personal files within it for your OneDrive for Business site.

Note: To enable OneDrive Integration, you should have SharePoint Integration enable first. 

Now lets look at the OneDrive integration step by step

Go to Power platform admin center>Select the required environment>Settings>Click on Document management settings

Enable once drive for business

You can specify the folder names

Now go back to dynamics system, we can seethe OneDrive location to save the files.

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