Unexpected errors while adding new flows or refreshing existing ones-Custom Page-Canvas app


Developers/Consultants/Customizers sometimes encounter unexpected errors while adding new flows or refreshing existing ones even tough you have a administrative permissions in the environment. In this blog, we will delve into a specific error faced during flow integration in Power Apps, exploring its causes and providing solutions.

This error message shows differently based on the browser we use. 

Error Message from Chrome

Error Message from Edge

Things to fix the below error we can try the following things, One of them may work to resolve the issue. 

User Permissions:

Environment Maker Role: Ensure that the user attempting to add the flow has been assigned the "Environment Maker" role in the Power Apps environment. This role is essential for adding flows to custom pages.

Custom Page Permissions: Verify that the user has sufficient permissions to edit the specific custom page where the flow is being added.

Flow Permissions:

Flow Ownership: Confirm that the user adding the flow is the owner of the flow or has been granted appropriate sharing permissions.

Flow Environment: Check that the flow is located within the same environment as the custom page.

Manual Trigger: Verify if the flow can be manually triggered from Power Automate. This ensures that the flow itself is functioning correctly.

Custom Page and Flow Compatibility:

Solution Components: If the custom page and flow are part of a solution, ensure that both are included in the same solution and deployed together.

Flow Definition: Verify that the flow's input and output schema aligns with the data expected by the custom page.

Environment and Service Health:

Environment Issues: Temporarily test if the issue persists in a different Power Apps environment.

Also try these steps to check for potential fixes:

Clear Cache: Try clearing your browser cache and restart Power Apps Studio.

Recreate Flow: Attempt creating a new flow and adding it to the custom page.

Check Flow Definition: Review the flow's definition for any errors or inconsistencies.

Test with a Different User: Have another user with appropriate permissions attempt to add the flow to the custom page.

If none of the above things are working, Ask the page owner to export the pages and then have the user to attempt to import them. During the import process, ensure that all necessary new connections are established. 

Thank you for visiting the blog 🙏


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